Just after Jesus raises Lazrus the mood and scene in the Gospel of John shifts dramatically. The joy of Lazrus becomes Jesus losing his patience with Judas over ointment, riding a donkey into Jerusalem, berating Greeks, and advising people to walk while they have light. The image of Jesus smiling and rejoicing with the family of Lazrus becomes a Jesus being very intolerant to others. Intolerant I think is the perfect word that fits the gospel reading today.
Jesus was a tolerant person there is no doubt. Jesus chose for his Apostles the worst society could offer. Jesus chose a fisherman, they were seen as drunken, surly, disrespectful, and cheating the weights of their catches. Jesus chose a tax collector, they were in conspiracy with the Romans to cheat Jews out of their hard earned wages, they consorted with the Pharisee to extract the Temple Taxes, and they sided with the Herodians to keep Israel's king on good standing with Rome, Pharisee, and Jews. Tax collectors were seen as those who would sell their mothers if the price was right. The other apostles were simple shepherds, farmers, laborers, and tradesmen.
Jesus suddenly shows an intolerant side. Jesus admonishes Greeks for their wanting Jesus to speak to them. "What do wish me to say? Father take this form me. This is why I was born, to fulfill my Father's will and glorify His name." Jesus begins to berate the Pharisee for being hypocrites. He accuses the scribes of being dishonest and translating to show favor to Rome and Herod at the expense of Jews. He tells the Sadducee that they are liars, thieves, and conspirators to keep Israel under Roman control. Jesus even lashes out at the people of Jerusalem for tolerating all the cheating, lying, and corruption. Jesus becomes very intolerant, and it is sin that He is intolerant at.
For too long Israel had tolerated sin to take hold. For too long people had become tolerant of sin but intolerant of the Word of God. For too long sin was seen as business as usual and living in covenant with God as being wrong. Sound familiar? Does this not sound like today. Continually we are admonished to be tolerant of sin. We are to be tolerant of sexual immorality, the murder of babies, poverty, laziness, and a whole host of other sins. We are to be tolerant of sin because we are not to judge. This is plain wrong.
Let me make this clear: Be intolerant of sin. Tell sinners that sin is sin. That is not being intolerant that is being honest. That is advancing the Gospel. Moses was not tolerant of slavery. Joshua was not tolerant of those choosing against God's laws. Nathan was not tolerant of David's sins. Elijah was not tolerant of breaking the Sabbath. Isaiah was not tolerant of Israel's infidelity. Daniel was not tolerant of being told not to pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Maccabees were not tolerant of being told not to observe the Passover. In all these cases the people of God were intolerant.
Jesus was intolerant of Israel allowing the Temple to be defiled. Jesus was intolerant of Herod's double dealing against Israel. Jesus was intolerant of Judah selling itself off for profit from foreign invaders from Rome. Jesus was intolerant of Jews being unfaithful to God, His Father. It had to end and Jesus was the final answer from God. Jesus was to be final perfect Passover lamb sacrificed. A new covenant and final was to be given by God. This time the Gentile would be saved with the Jew. All humanity was to be brought into God's salvation - by the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
It for this reason that the Apostles became intolerant to those who rejected Jesus. The intolerance of early Christians made them choose death before disavowing their faith. Intolerance made St. Francis found an order of friars that cared for the poor, sick, and disenfranchised. Intolerance made St. Ignatius found an order that would educate the poor. Intolerance made Martin Luther demand reforms that would return Christianity to worship and away from corruption. Intolerance made Martin Luther King Jr lay down his life for justice. Believe me, Christians are called to be intolerant.
We are called to be the light of the world. To fulfill this call from Christ we must become intolerant to sin and become tolerant to what Passion Week stands for - the call of Jesus to fulfill His Father's will. We fulfill this by turning away from sin and turning to Christ. We do this by sacrificing our way and turning to Christ's way. We do this by humbly walking with Christ and doing justice. That is our call of Passion Week.
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